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본문 제목

Day 22. Project 2, part 3


by box-jeon 2020. 3. 8. 00:08




100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 22 – Hacking with Swift

Project 2, part 3 In this project you’ve learned about images, stacks, gradients, buttons, and more, along with a whole host of new modifiers to help bring your UI designs to life. All of these skills will come in useful in your own SwiftUI apps – not mayb


Guess the Flag를 구현하면서 배운 것들을 퀴즈로 풀고 몇 가지 과제를 수행합니다. 20, 21일차에 계속 투덜거렸던 Alert의 present 방식에 대해서도 한번 이야기가 나옵니다.

Many people find SwiftUI’s way of showing alerts a little odd at first: creating it, adding a condition, then simply triggering that condition at some point in the future seems like a lot more work than just asking the alert to show itself. But like I said, it’s important that our views always be a reflection of our program state, and that rules out us just showing alerts whenever we want to.

그렇다고 하니 그런가보다 하고 받아들여야할 것 같습니다. 'our views always be a reflection fo our program state'란 표현이 너무 근사하네요.



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